Elevate your flavour frontier

In the current edition of Outturn, we introduce you to the westernmost distillery in Scotland: Ardnamurchan. Alex Bruce has given us detailed information in the form of an interview. If you would like to hear the recording of the original interview, then I recommend Whisky Talk; you can watch a visual version of the production on YouTube.

At the same time, we will be presenting the first SMWS bottling from this new distillery. As there is no way to distribute such small quantities fairly, we will be organising another draw. The good news, however, is that additional bottlings will follow over the course of the year.

In addition to a colourful arrangement of different bottlings, I am also delighted to be able to present four new bottlings from the Vaults Collection. These will all be bottlings which were distilled between 1987 and 1992. Two of these bottlings come from distilleries which have since closed down.

Enjoy the first signs of spring and share a dram or two with a good friend.

Patric Lutz

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